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Osoblyvosti onlayn kazyno vid 50
Celebrating Christmas: A Time for Joy, Giving, and Education

Hello there, festive friends and supporters of The Scribe’s Institute! Dr. Aaron Lewis here, wishing...

The New York Times and Its Impact on T.M. Landry Students: A Possible Perpetuation of Institutional Inequality

The T.M. Landry College Preparatory School gained national attention for its impressive college acceptance rates...

From Calm Waters to Turbulent Seas: The Struggle for Quality Education in Inner Cities

Imagine the vast, open ocean where life teems beneath the surface. In this aquatic world,...

Today In History

December 4, 2023 History is an amazing part of our lives. And the more that...

Unmasking the COVID-19 Impact: School Closures, Learning Loss, and the Urgent Need for Educational Reform

The global pandemic has had a significant impact on the education system across the United...

Unveiling the Power of Early Childhood Learning at the Vibrant ACTFL Convention

I recently embarked on an extraordinary adventure at the ACTFL convention, held in the enchanting...

Fun Facts about Veterans Day and Veterans

Did You Know? References:

The Power of Choice: A Stand for School Choice

The need for school choice is becoming more evident in the United States as parents...

Addressing the Unprecedented Teacher Shortages: A Call to Action

As we navigate through the complexities of the post-pandemic era, one glaring issue continues to...

The Ripple Effect: Unraveling the Aftermath of No Child Left Behind

The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001, a reauthorization of the Elementary and...